“Cat and Mouse in Partnership” is a story from the Brothers Grimm collection of fairy tales. The story has been adapted and reinterpreted in many forms over the years, including as a piece of pyrography artwork done by me.
The charming and playful nature of the story lends itself well to the intricate and detailed style of pyrography, in which you can see the Cat and Mouse in conversation and the church in the background.
I grew up with the stories from the Brothers Grimm and know that their tales often contain moral lessons and themes that resonate with readers of all ages. One might say that the story teaches the importance of trust, honesty, and working together toward a common goal, and to me in its original version simply means not everyone can be trusted.
Inspired by Grimm Brother’s Story Cat and Mouse in Partnership this Wood Burning Wall Art is burned by hand and protected with a matte lacquer on a wood panel measuring 11″ x 14″ x 0.5″.
This is a one-of-a-kind item. It will also come signed.